Flutter engineer since 2017

Hello, my name is Mike. I was born on July 29, 1990. I am a versatile software engineer with expertise in Dart and Flutter and experience leading teams and working on full-stack projects. My passions include programming, cutting-edge gadgets, and motorcycle adventures.
As a firm believer in transhumanism, I envision a future where technology alleviates human suffering and fosters a more harmonious world. I maintain a healthy lifestyle, free of bad habits, and am currently unmarried without children. In the long term, I aspire to contribute to innovative projects and initiatives that push the boundaries of technology, making a lasting impact on society and the world at large.
☎️ Contacts
- Site: plugfox.dev
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/plugfox
- CodersRank: profile.codersrank.io/user/plugfox
- Telegram: @plugfox
- Telegram channels: @dartside @dart_tips
- Email: plugfox@gmail.com
- Discord: plugfox#7967
- Dart Pub: pub.dev/publishers/plugfox.dev
- GitHub: github.com/plugfox
- Gist: gist.github.com/plugfox
- YouTube: youtube.com/c/dartside