This is the first episode of the podcast in 2022, so we did not choose a topic for it for long. While everyone is studying with interest the first stable release of the framework this year (which we will definitely talk about a little later), we have thoroughly studied the Flutter development roadmap for 2022, dug up the issue tracker, and raised archives of stale bug reports. Now we know exactly what Flutter will be like at the end of this year and we are in a hurry to share this knowledge with you.
In this issue, we will talk about how critical it is for a product to properly integrate with the system menu on macOS, why we are actually still at the beginning of a long journey to solve the junk problem, and for dessert, we will talk about the adventures of a keyboard with a Russian layout in distant Mountain -Vue.
At the microphone: Evgeny Saturov (Surf), Mikhail Matyunin (Ozon), Igor Kravchenko (, Mikhail Zotiev (Surf).