Dart Flutter Broadcast Russian

Flutter Voronezh Meetup | Debate: Is GetX good or not?

Usually, GetX is not treated neutrally - some criticize it, others praise it. We decided to let both of them speak. And the easiest way to do this is to have a debate. Well, so that the event does not turn into a senseless argument ...
Plague Fox
Flutter Voronezh Meetup | Debate: Is GetX good or not?

Usually, GetX is not treated neutrally - some criticize it, others praise it. We decided to let both of them speak. And the easiest way to do this is to have a debate. Well, so that the event does not turn into a senseless argument ...


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Microbenchmarks are experiments

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Plague Fox

Engineer by day, fox by night. Talks about Flutter & Dart.

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