Recommended packages with the highest levels of quality.
- firebase
- drift
- meta
- json_serializable
- freezed
- shared_preferences
- collection
- async
- stream_transform
- rxdart
- stream_bloc
- l
- url_launcher
- platform_info
- dart_code_metrics
- icons_launcher
- flutter_native_splash
- pubspec_generator
- flutter_gen_runner
- intl
- pigeon
- http
- dio
- retrofit
- path
- rive
- path_provider
- flutter_local_notifications
- geolocator
- connectivity_plus
- share_plus
- sentry & sentry_flutter
- sensors_plus
- battery_plus
- cached_network_image
- google_fonts
- permission_handler
- image
- flutter_blurhash
- animations
- animated_text_kit
- font_awesome_flutter
- theme_tailor
- shelf
- functions_framework